Biyang EQ-7 7 Band Equalizer Guitar Effect Pedal (ToneFancier Series)


₱2,699.00 PHP ₱2,999.00 PHP


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Brand New
Warranty: 1 Month Replacement

EQing guitar signals is an arcane and lost art. With a little boost or cut, the signal going to your amp can drastically change, and good guitarists know that the a simple EQ pedal can do wonders for your sound.

The Biyang EQ-7 pedal is simply better than the Boss and MXR EQ pedals which are more expensive. It has 7 EQ ranges and 1 Level control for maximum EQ shaping. The addition of the level control allows the signal coming out to be boosted to act as boost pedal, or it can set low as a volume cut. Each control is LED lit for stage monitoring and ease of use. Internal components are ultra quiet using German made WIMA capacitors. True bypass design ensures transparent tone signal. Also built like a tank with steel enclosure and weights like a brick.

Can't beat this price and quality design.

  • 7 EQ range controls (100hz, 200hz, 400hz, 800hz,1.0k,3.2k,6.4k) + 1 Level Control
  • LED lit controls
  • True Bypass
  • Super solid metal casing
  • Uses 9V battery or standard Boss style adapter

Brand: Biyang
Weight: 1.25 lb

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